Pleasures can be very expensive but a discerning mind knows how
and where to cut his suit according to his affordable and available cloth. A
delicious egusi can be "condimented" within and beyond our means:
depending on how many of the scarce national cake you have accrued. A mind that
knows that real wealth is in your wants not exceeding your means would be wary
of condiments that are unreasonable.'
A meal has a way of deepening our hope: for a vested stomach
won't mind the empty pocket but projects its relishing palate to a visualized
better morrow and hopeful pocket. Delicious egusi can fester our religiosity
because we hope. Therefore we humble ourselves as prototypical Omoluabi the
ethical person. Yet we decry our pettiness as against our leaders’ largess.
Haven't you realized? Humility is a religious strong-preach but
an economic fall point. Economics as a study starts from obvious scarcity and
pretentious values not designed for humbled market. We suffered and we are
subjugated to our thinned-out delicious egusi yet we are humble religiously to
leaders who loot us economically. Religious measure can hardly salvage an
obvious economic knot just as prayer without requisite action can be a waste of
breath (deux ex machina is more fictional than real).
We need to redefine ourselves: revamp our values. Government is
no one's sweat but the totality of our submitted rights. No geographical space
carries a name of a nation or a name of a government: we nomenclate it so. We
need to stand tall and stop respecting those who steal public funds.
We need to save the future from further guillotine.
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