I write for those who have the courage to leave when the love turns sour and the peace to be civil through-out all lingering ties.
I write for those that re-present their sagging glands and dust off the taint like a goat from ashes to scour the world for another respite.
I write for those who have experienced marital bitterness that can't be related but swallowed.
I write for those who never experience orgasming yell but torture from their warped love.
I write for those whose culture has tied them to traumas and consistent unhappiness because they couldn't live beyond the text of 'Maa f'ori ti'
I write for that wo/men at a combustible point about to pick a knife and end it all.
I write for you a word I heard: "God hates divorce but not the divorcee." "While a single can make heaven: a bad marriage can make you hell"
I write for you peace, love, and happiness. We all deserve it.
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