Parents would hardly understand just as you won't if your pet ( a cat, if you love cats) of many years is big enough to be undomesticated ( a cat leaves home when it is growing too big). That's a pet. Now imagine how it would feel for your mother who carried you for months unseen and you emerged with tiny-parts that marvelously developed into you. At teenage, there's this air of defiance and deviance. Not only to parents but to social standards. That's why upright habits formed at this age is hard to lose and otherwise. Your mind to your parents is like a new novel that every chapter holds episodic suspense. They see you developing that independent rationality that marvels them; You of tiny parts years ago. How do you treat your favorite and most sensational novel that you are yet to fully devour its climactic chapters? You won't want to release it to the world just as your parents seek to have you close. Anyway, we are prayerfully expected to ou...