The first time I was at Ilorin, I visited a canteen at a far abandoned faculty in University of Ilorin where I ate an unhealthy but generous plate of beans which ruptured my stomach. The ensuing abdominal in-continence marred my desire to feed on the city's panoramic views. My efforts to relieve the physiological distress was met by Uni-Ilorin debasing convenience. I could not defecate in the toilet, it was too much de-dehumanizing. After leaving the campus, I attempted at a motorpark' toilet which was also infested-ly wet and filled with finger-sized flies. I ran into a waiting bus leaving to Oyo. The experience was harrowing and more saddening that the sweet-love I sought there then was also sour. Now, I step once again into Ilorin with my eyes readied. I can see a town with light and free air (unlike the heavy and arid air of Ibadan mainstream) just like it's rural, accompanied with urban outlook of a cosmopolitan with flowery yellow and green brig...